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2023 Drumzilla Palm Beach Drum Camp featuring Ricardo Merlini and special guests Freddy Charles and Alex Cohen


2023 Drumzilla Palm Beach Drum Camp featuring Ricardo Merlini and special guests Freddy Charles and Alex Cohen

Drumzilla Drum Camp:11th of November in Palm Beach Florida.

Don't miss the most amazing drum educational experience of the fall! A one of a kind event with 3 different drummers, covering multiple styles, techniques and of course, the “Merlini Method.” You are guaranteed to develop new skills, in multiple styles, that are not only going to improve your playing, but make you a more versatile drummer

November 11th Full day of class incl. lunch and dinner.

Price per student - $500

If you are coming from outside of Palm Beach/Broward/Dade County and need accommodations, please email Freddy Charles, fc@freddycharlesmusic.com and he will organize.