For my friends and those who know me well, there was no surprise to anyone when I started to work with people on an individual basis regarding their health and lives.
As a student of health for nearly half my life, I firmly believe that true change, is only possible when you have completely aligned your body and mind and are in a complete state of homeostasis.
The allopathic and naturopathic health worlds have confused and robbed us of any semblance of what true health really is. From the allopathic world, endless pills for every symptom known to man, to the natural health world's ridiculous amount of protocols and trendy methods, we are all fucked.
Fortunately for you, I was a guinea pig for almost 2 decades trying to heal from countless issues, only to finally realize that each new protocol I embarked upon, undermined my health even more.
For those of you that are finding yourselves in a bit of a rut and are in need of a “break through,” I may have an answer for you.
My ability to act as a wellness coach stems from my deep knowledge in how to heal your body and mind. Remember, you can’t just change how you operate if your health is not in alignment. Hitting rock bottom won’t fix you either. The only way to change your thinking, is to actually be healthy. To have a brain that works optimally is the main ingredient. From there anything finally becomes possible. But if you’re trying to embark on serious changes, with a cloudy brain, you will fail. I can guarantee you that fad diets, like carnivore, and vegan, and keto etc will not give you the clarity you are looking to achieve. Nor will going down rabbit holes of Lyme disease, leaky gut, heavy metal toxicity and mold illness, to name a few. The body wants to heal, and it can. All of your dreams can finally be achieved when you rid your brain of the lifelong fog that has burdened it. If you're interested in working with me to turn your life around in all areas, visit my site https://www.detoxwithfreddy.com